

Task Name
User Name
Judge Status

Found 1993 submissions.

# Time Task Name User Name Status
443 2019/09/03 20:35:22 plus_comm cympfh Success
442 2019/09/03 20:32:23 plus_assoc cympfh Success
441 2019/09/03 20:25:26 Product of n consecutive integers is divisible by n! cympfh Success
440 2019/09/03 20:19:03 Product of n consecutive integers is divisible by n! cympfh Failure
439 2019/09/03 15:06:03 n * S m = n + n * m cympfh Success
438 2019/09/03 15:02:43 n < m \/ n = m \/ n > m cympfh Success
437 2019/09/03 14:52:17 n < m \/ n = m \/ n > m cympfh Failure
436 2019/09/03 14:32:06 Cumulative sum of list cympfh Success
435 2019/09/01 19:49:53 n < m \/ n = m \/ n > m muratak Success
434 2019/09/01 19:33:53 Cumulative sum of list muratak Success
433 2019/09/01 19:33:20 Cumulative sum of list muratak Failure
432 2019/09/01 19:16:43 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] muratak Success
431 2019/08/31 22:19:06 forall f: bool -> bool, f^3(x) = f(x) yodvhskd Success
430 2019/08/31 22:02:00 plus_comm yodvhskd Success
429 2019/08/31 18:20:24 Cumulative sum of list admitted Success
428 2019/08/31 17:53:39 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] admitted Success
427 2019/08/31 16:35:17 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] cympfh Success
426 2019/08/31 16:34:26 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] cympfh Success
425 2019/08/31 16:33:34 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] cympfh Failure
424 2019/08/31 04:59:27 n < m \/ n = m \/ n > m admitted Success
423 2019/08/31 04:35:39 n * S m = n + n * m admitted Success
422 2019/08/31 04:22:47 forall f: bool -> bool, f^3(x) = f(x) admitted Success
421 2019/08/31 04:05:00 1 + 1 = 2 admitted Success
420 2019/08/31 04:02:26 plus_comm admitted Success
419 2019/08/31 03:51:03 plus_assoc admitted Success
418 2019/08/31 00:32:14 1 + 1 = 2 yodvhskd Success
417 2019/08/31 00:28:15 1 + 1 = 2 yodvhskd Success
416 2019/08/30 23:22:39 1 + 1 = 2 omasanori Success
415 2019/08/30 23:21:51 1 + 1 = 2 omasanori Failure
414 2019/08/30 21:29:36 n < m \/ n = m \/ n > m kimiyuki Success
413 2019/08/30 21:15:10 Cumulative sum of list kimiyuki Success
412 2019/08/30 18:07:04 forall f: bool -> bool, f^3(x) = f(x) pekempey Success
411 2019/08/30 17:33:32 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] cympfh Success
410 2019/08/30 17:24:54 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] cympfh Success
409 2019/08/29 17:55:20 n < m \/ n = m \/ n > m minus3theta Success
408 2019/08/29 17:52:24 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] minus3theta Success
407 2019/08/29 10:05:06 n * S m = n + n * m muratak Success
406 2019/08/29 10:04:50 n * S m = n + n * m muratak Failure
405 2019/08/29 01:37:00 n * S m = n + n * m muratak Rejected
404 2019/08/29 01:32:41 forall f: bool -> bool, f^3(x) = f(x) muratak Success
403 2019/08/29 01:32:07 forall f: bool -> bool, f^3(x) = f(x) muratak Failure
402 2019/08/29 01:22:38 plus_comm muratak Success
401 2019/08/29 01:19:17 plus_assoc muratak Success
400 2019/08/29 01:17:37 1 + 1 = 2 muratak Success
399 2019/08/28 02:19:34 1 + 1 = 2 asi1024 Success
398 2019/08/27 23:13:17 n < m \/ n = m \/ n > m taisei Success
397 2019/08/27 23:12:06 Product of n consecutive integers is divisible by n! taisei Success
396 2019/08/27 18:19:28 Product of n consecutive integers is divisible by n! kkob Success
395 2019/08/27 16:41:13 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] coorde Success
394 2019/08/27 16:40:19 forall l: list nat, l @ [0] <> [] coorde Success

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